Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Free Speech suffers at University of Florida

A University of Florida student, Andrew Meyer, was subdued with a taser because he asked questions "with passion" to 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry.

Regardless of the content of what he was saying (some of which I'd like to have heard Kerry answer), the cops unbelievably move in drag him away and tazer him with absolutely no reason whatsoever.


I think it it's pretty damn disgraceful that the cops feel they have a right to remove someones freedom of speech and expression. How did we come to this?

It seems Meyer is no shrinking violet, he has a history of stunts and skits, as can be seen on his website theandrewmeyer.com , and I'm sure he's not going to be too dissapointed by his new found celebrity status. But even if this was a calculated stunt, and even if he was shooting his mouth off and being a dick, I don't think the police have any business behaving in the way they did here.

More comments at the facebook group...


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